
Ted talks mind magic
Ted talks mind magic

The TED talk you choose to do was intriguing. With a topic such as magic, I can understand how one’s TED talk would rely heavily on visual aids. I definitely agree that visuals need to be interesting in order for them to be successful in the talk.

ted talks mind magic

By making the speech interactive, it was hard for the audience to doze off. I love the way he engages the audience throughout the whole thing in order to not leave a dull moment. I’ve watched this TED talk too, and it’s one of my favorites as well. I’m sure that your own TED talk went just as well!! In terms of the content presented, I really liked his opener! It really set him up very well to introduce his topic. I find myself to be much more captivated and receptive when people are like this because they make it so that they are talking with you instead of to you.

ted talks mind magic

This TED talk was awesome!!! I love it when people are able to convey what they have to say in a jovial and for lack of a better word, ~chill~ manner. I was introduced to TED Talks two years ago in high school and I also think that they are interesting and always fun to watch. I agree that it is really important to have great visuals in a TED Talk because it truly is a visual medium. This is really a fascinating topic for a TED Talk. My high school teachers used (overused?) them in all of our classes however, I’ve never seen the Brain Magic talk. I think it’s really interesting that you’d never heard of TED before coming to college. Overall, this is how I plan to incorporate elements from Barry’s TED talk “Brain Magic.”Ī Week in Review: Underrated Fantasy Football StarsĪ Week in Review: Week 8 Injuries Lead to Week 9 Waivers 5 Responses to “RCL Post: Favorite TED Talk” While an interactive activity may not be the best hook for my talk, Barry demonstrates the power of a well-established, relevant hook on the audience. Barry uses an interactive ‘magic trick’ in the beginning of his talk where he has the entire audience participate from their seats. Furthermore, a hook is necessary in order to initially grasp the audience’s attention. Charts and graphs are great visuals that provide additional information to the presentation and help the audience draw connections about the speaker’s argument. Being able to captivate the audience visually is just as important as coherently speaking on the topic. Barry made I evident that the TED talk is not only a speech but also a visual medium. The focus of my set up for the TED talk will definitely involve interesting, relevant visuals. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform.

ted talks mind magic

My own research and the fact that I have now hypnotized over 3,000 people give me a unique and personal view of how the brain functions subconsciously. The power of hypnosis is a constant source of debate. When considering the set up for my own TED talk, I will definitely be considering his approach and technique. WATCH: This Magician Can Do Crazy Things to Your Brain. Through these two key attributes, Barry is able to build and effective and memorable TED talk. He even goes as far as having audience members performing magic tricks upon each other. In order to catch and keep the audience’s attention, Barry uses profuse amounts of humor and interactive activities. This included mind reading and hypnosis alike. The TED talk covers magic tricks that are directly related to the brain. Of all the TED talks that I have seen, my favorite thus far is “Brain Magic” by Keith Barry because it is fairly whimsical and lighthearted. I was initially introduced to them during SHO time where, the program showed us the TED talk of “The Danger of a Single Story.” I found it interesting and it prompted me to watch some more. Interested in learning more? Take a moment and watch this excerpt video from the “Through the Wormhole” series.Before entering college, I had never heard of a TED talk.

ted talks mind magic

In extreme cases such as body integrity identity disorder (BIID), patients desire to remove a healthy limb by amputation because it feels alien.īy studying body ownership illusions and clinical disorders, scientists try to understand the cognitive and neural mechanisms that underlie the mind-body interaction. One such condition is known as Alien hand syndrome. There are reported cases of patients who feel their hand or foot does not belong to them or is out of control. The rubber hand illusion is just an example of a larger group of illusions called Body Ownership Transfer Illusions, in which, by integrating different types of sensory inputs from a real body and a fake body, one can be tricked to feel a fake body part or even an entire body as one’s own. The rubber hand illusion shows our perception of self is not coherent and the way we experience our body is a dynamic process that is constantly regulated by our brain.

Ted talks mind magic